bismillahiramanirahim assalamu'alaikum Mr. Ikhlas where are you? I have been looking for you for such a long time. where have you been ? I really need you in my life in everything I do. please don't go away. Please show yourself to me, because I really want to meet you!!! okay, hold on a second, Mr. Ikhlas is not my boyfriend name, seriously it is not, but I wonder, somehow maybe it would or it will be great I'm suppose if my future husband name is Ikhlas. As his name will always remind me to be sincere in everything I do. Insya Allah if Allah will's it. :) Yes, you are absolutely right, 'ikhlas' is an arabic word which means sincere. The word 'ikhlas' is also used in malay language with the same meaning. So, can you figured it out what am I really wanted to share in this article? yup, we are going to talk about ikhlas :) the first question would be " what does ikhlas really mean actually?" yeah, in literally it means sincere but...