Bismillahirahmanirahim Assalamualaikum...alhamdulillah masih diberi kesempatan untuk menulis dan berkongsi lagi disini. ........... "bagaimana untuk aku mendefinisikan bahagia dan syukur? apa makna bahagia sebenarnya? syukur itu bagaimana? macam mana untuk aku capai kebahagian dalam hidup aku? sama ke bahagia aku dengan bahagia orang lain? boleh ke aku ukur bahagia dan syukur tu?" and the question may keep coming on and on...will never stop... yup, those are questions that kept coming in and out to my mind...don't know when it started and when will it stop...sometimes it just coming without notice. talking about it makes me go back to one of the time when I had a coursework project with my friends back then...a few semesters ago...the project aims to unleash our entrepreneurship skills...where we have to help a pair of single-mothers (we called them ibu) to run their business and help to improve it. so long story short, there are these words that co...