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Showing posts from 2015

Redha and Syukur.....Key for happiness

Bismillahirahmanirahim Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahiwabarakatuh .................................. For everything that has happened there must be a reason... The matter is that either we see it or not... Either we find it now or later... Allah s.w.t has His own reason to put us in this situation, to put us in these trials, to put us in this calamity... Allah s.w.t knows what is best for us...because He is the One who create us..He is the only Creator... Allah s.w.t understand us better than no one else.... So, always put your trust in Him... Never lose hope in Allah s.w.t.  Be thankful with every ni'mat that He has granted us with for all this life. Redha....Syukur ...always put it in our hearts... Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah ala kulli ni'mah ala kulli hal may Allah s.w.t. grant us a heart that would always redha and thankful with all His gifts to us. (a trial is also a part of gift from Him to us, So,,that we will always remember Him.)

black shoes

bismillahirahmanirahim alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah assalamualaikum... how's your day? hope you do have a great and a wonderful one.. :) just a short entry to be share with, hope it may benefits those who read it and especially the one who write it...insya Allah... ........................   Never thought that I would lost my shoes even in my university year.. The last time I had lost my shoes is when I was in primary school...its been a long time since I experience it... Haha..  But, there's one thing that I want to highlight, that I have learn from it, from this incidents, we should appreciate and be grateful with everything that Allah has gave to us..cause everything that we have today may not be ours for the next day..and the other day.. Alhamdulillah (which means all praises are to Allah), for everything and for this wonderful life.. ................... Ramadhan Mubarak to every Muslims.. may Allah's guidance be upon us all.. 😊😄...

ceritera "Aku" dan "Tiket Bas"

bismillahirahmanirahim assalamualaikum alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah berakhirnya minggu-minggu yang penuh dengan lectures, dan bermulanya minggu untuk menelaah semula segala ilmu yang telah dikutip daripada asatizah sepanjang 4 bulan lebih, sebelum melangkah ke medan jihad. (final exam) macam biasa, bila habis final exam nanti, kita semua akan pulang ke kampung kampung halaman untuk melepaskan rindu pada umi, abah, adik, kakak, abang, atok, nenek.... well, i guess it goes the same way for me.. dah tengah malam ni, saya nak berkongsi cerita waktu katil (hehe...baca 'bedtime story')...walaupun hakikatnya tak layak nak dikategorikan sebagai bedtime story.. selamat membaca!! ceritera "Aku" dan "Tiket Bas"   aku pergi ke sebuah stesen bas dengan kawan, seperti biasa kami beratur di kaunter tiket untuk menuggu giliran kami. beberapa ketika kemudian dua orang lelaki berbangsa cina (mungkin) beratur dibelakang. kedua-dua mereka ran...

Tabah lah wahai diri ....

bismillahirahmanirahim Wahai diri Usah kau terpesona dengan indahnya duniawi Sehingga dirimu tergelincir Dari rahmat Tuhan yang hakiki Teguhkan hatimu dalam menggapai reda Ilahi Kerna janji Tuhan itu pasti Walau janji Sering hambaNya mungkiri Pengampunan Ilahi Sentiasa ada melebihi alam ini Buat mereka yang bertaubat dengan ketulusan hati. 28/3/2015 2:38 p.m

Mujahid di Hujung Jalan

Biar jalan ini dilandasi onak duri Akan tetap teguh kaki ini Melangkah menelusuri hari Episod demi episod hidup ini Terus ku harungi Dengan tekad dan keimanan yang pasti Pada rabbi ‘izzati Moga sentiasa rahmat-Nya menemani Kerna menggapai reda-Nya kejayaan hakiki Buat setiap insan bernama abdi 11:31 pm, 4/12/2014, khamis -Huda ismol-