its been a while I guess since the last time I write a post in this so called lonely and silent blog.
alhamdulillah just finished 6 papers of my final exam, and insya Allah still got another paper this coming tuesday, that which insya Allah would my final paper for this semester. (if you read this, please do pray for my success)
Alhamdulillah, for everything ya Allah... I'm sure without You, I may not be able to go through this entire semester. Alhamdulillah.
I would to take this opportunity to thank all my teachers and lecturers for all the knowledge that you have thought and shared me, may Allah bless all your of good deeds always.
truthfully, I really doesn't know what should I write in this post,...
Parents and family.
It's been a while since the last time I met my parents and family members,..(my brothers and sisters), really missed them a lot.
Mom, dad, father, mother, mama, papa, abah, umi, ibu, ayah, emak,...ect... our parents is one of the best gift from Allah s.w.t that you will never be able to find any substitution to replace them.
Guys, without our parents are you sure that you are going to be where you are now??
They are the reason for us to be born into this world, they are the reason for us to stand where we are now. Please love them the way they used to love you when you were little and up until now, remember how much they cherished you when you were born...They never asked you to pay back everything that they have done for you with wealth or anything. All that they ever wanted from you, is that for you to always care for them, just like they would always care for you. Show your appreciation towards them by always be besides them, just like there would always be there for you when you want someone to listen to your story, to give you courage when you were down, to calm you when you were crying.
kawan, brothers and sisters,
aku tahu jauh dalam sudut hati kau sangat-sangat sayangkan umi abah kau, cuma terkadang sukar untuk kau ungkapkan, luahkan dengan kata-kata.
I know deep inside your heart, you really love your mom and dad so much, even thought sometimes you find its hard for you to express its in words.
call out your parents, whataapp them, text them..and..
katakanlah kepada umi abah betapa dikau sayangkan mereka.
say it to your parents how much you love them.
sebelum kau hilang kesempatan itu untuk selamanya.
Lastly, always pray for your parents, as they always pray for you, even when you never ask for it.
((Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. (23) And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: "My Lord! bestow on them Thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." (24)) (surah Al-Isra': 23-24)
((Say: "Come I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from": join not anything with Him; Be good to your parents: kill not your children on a plea of want;― provide sustenance for you and for them;― come not nigh to shameful deeds, whether open or secret; take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom. (151)) (surah al-anaam:151)
brothers, sisters, abang, kakak, along, angah, kak cik, alang,...ect..or should I say siblings are your best-est friend ever since you were little, and yet sometimes you never realize it. they are the one who would laugh together with you, they are the one who would play and fight with you, and sometimes you even feel annoyed with them, but you know you love them more. To fight with them, to laugh with them are the things that you will missed forever, when you are far from them.
And yet, sometimes you still denied that you love them so much and miss them a lot. while you still have a chance, spent your time with them, cherish them with all your heart. Because you will never know when will be the last time for you. and do realize that your family, brothers and sisters are the best-est gift from Allah s.w.t. that you will never be able to replace it with others.
I love all of you so much Along, Angah, Abang, and my most beloved adik-adik.
so, cherish all the time that you have with your parents and family as they are the best-est gift from Allah s.w.t., while you still have the chance.
may Allah bless our parents and family, and reunite us in jannah (paradise) together with them.
may Allah bless you always.
-hamba Allah yang tak memiliki dan dimiliki-
p/s:well I guess I still manage to write something for you to read..hehe...peace :)
its been a while I guess since the last time I write a post in this so called lonely and silent blog.
alhamdulillah just finished 6 papers of my final exam, and insya Allah still got another paper this coming tuesday, that which insya Allah would my final paper for this semester. (if you read this, please do pray for my success)
Alhamdulillah, for everything ya Allah... I'm sure without You, I may not be able to go through this entire semester. Alhamdulillah.
I would to take this opportunity to thank all my teachers and lecturers for all the knowledge that you have thought and shared me, may Allah bless all your of good deeds always.
truthfully, I really doesn't know what should I write in this post,...
Parents and family.
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It's been a while since the last time I met my parents and family members,..(my brothers and sisters), really missed them a lot.
Mom, dad, father, mother, mama, papa, abah, umi, ibu, ayah, emak,...ect... our parents is one of the best gift from Allah s.w.t that you will never be able to find any substitution to replace them.
Guys, without our parents are you sure that you are going to be where you are now??
They are the reason for us to be born into this world, they are the reason for us to stand where we are now. Please love them the way they used to love you when you were little and up until now, remember how much they cherished you when you were born...They never asked you to pay back everything that they have done for you with wealth or anything. All that they ever wanted from you, is that for you to always care for them, just like they would always care for you. Show your appreciation towards them by always be besides them, just like there would always be there for you when you want someone to listen to your story, to give you courage when you were down, to calm you when you were crying.
kawan, brothers and sisters,
aku tahu jauh dalam sudut hati kau sangat-sangat sayangkan umi abah kau, cuma terkadang sukar untuk kau ungkapkan, luahkan dengan kata-kata.
I know deep inside your heart, you really love your mom and dad so much, even thought sometimes you find its hard for you to express its in words.
call out your parents, whataapp them, text them..and..
katakanlah kepada umi abah betapa dikau sayangkan mereka.
say it to your parents how much you love them.
sebelum kau hilang kesempatan itu untuk selamanya.
Lastly, always pray for your parents, as they always pray for you, even when you never ask for it.
((Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. (23) And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: "My Lord! bestow on them Thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." (24)) (surah Al-Isra': 23-24)
((Say: "Come I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from": join not anything with Him; Be good to your parents: kill not your children on a plea of want;― provide sustenance for you and for them;― come not nigh to shameful deeds, whether open or secret; take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom. (151)) (surah al-anaam:151)
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brothers, sisters, abang, kakak, along, angah, kak cik, alang,...ect..or should I say siblings are your best-est friend ever since you were little, and yet sometimes you never realize it. they are the one who would laugh together with you, they are the one who would play and fight with you, and sometimes you even feel annoyed with them, but you know you love them more. To fight with them, to laugh with them are the things that you will missed forever, when you are far from them.
And yet, sometimes you still denied that you love them so much and miss them a lot. while you still have a chance, spent your time with them, cherish them with all your heart. Because you will never know when will be the last time for you. and do realize that your family, brothers and sisters are the best-est gift from Allah s.w.t. that you will never be able to replace it with others.
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I love all of you so much Along, Angah, Abang, and my most beloved adik-adik.
so, cherish all the time that you have with your parents and family as they are the best-est gift from Allah s.w.t., while you still have the chance.
may Allah bless our parents and family, and reunite us in jannah (paradise) together with them.
may Allah bless you always.
-hamba Allah yang tak memiliki dan dimiliki-
p/s:well I guess I still manage to write something for you to read..hehe...peace :)
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