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A Moment with My Gaza's Sister.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركته

a moment to share.

I was having some discussion with my friend at the mosque, suddenly...a sister (who is an international student) came to me..and sit beside me...

"..sister may I use your power bank to charge my phone..?" as she saw me holding my cell phone with my powerbank.
"oh, of may... :) " I unplugged my cell phone from my power bank and give it to her. so, she plugged in her cellphone to the power bank and she left it with me...and she went somewhere else.

a few minutes later, she came back and sit beside me. she took her phone to see whether the battery is charging or not (well, I guess so) while at that time, I was giving a direction to the aunt who came to the mosque.( the aunt was asking the direction for female's prayer room....(in case you're curious about it heh))

after I have finished explaining to the aunt, this sister looks at me, I replied with a smile...then she asked me " sister where are you from?" At first, I wasn't able to catch what was she meant by that question. so, I repeat the question again to her. And she asked me again the same question.
" I'm from Malaysia.....I'm Malaysian"
...she was surprised...
"Owh..., but you doesn't look like look like people from other countries....don't you think so? Right?"
I smiled back at her...."yaa.." and nodded as I have no words to deny.
"how about you...where are you from sister?"
"hhmm....where is that?"
" guess where I'm from?"
"owh....hhmm....,you are from middle east?
"yes.....but you do know the names of the countries in the middle east right? so, which country I am from?
"no...I'm from Palestine" she's smiled.
"Masya Allah, you are from Palestine.!?!"
"Yes, I'm from Palestine....I'm from Gaza."
"Masya Allah, sister you are from Gaza!? how long have you been here?"
"I have been here for 40 days (actually I didn't catch it clearly what she said at this time...asifah)
"how about your family?"
"my father, my mother, my brothers, my sisters are all in Malaysia.....but my grandpa and grandmother are still in father comes here first, and get works here...and bring all of us here.."
"oh, I's Gaza right now?"
"It's very bad Gaza right now....the conditions over there is very bad....everything there, are restricted...."
I have no words to I listen to her. She's telling me about how the situation there, how she missed to go back there, and how she long to meet her grandparents. But at the same, she was grateful to be here in Malaysia. And the conversation goes on.

"Sister, what cause are you taking?" I asked her.
"Bio-Chemical Engineering" she replied and asked me back the same question.
"Masya Allah sister, you're so great taking engineering courses, I'm just insya Allah taking Fiqh and Usul Fiqh courses here" I replied.
She was surprised, "Masya Allah, so you can speak Arabic?"
"Haha...for the time being 'qalil jiddan', just a little bit, as I'm still learning", I laugh.
"Owh, you should, I also have some Malaysian friends who are majoring in your courses and they can speak Arabic, which is very good" she replied.
"Insya Allah, pray for me that I will also be able to be like them one day" I smiled.

Since I got some other matter to do, we couldn't talk more.

Well as the Malay words goes "Setiap pertemuan itu pasti ada hikmahnya" (hehe..)
So, from this concourse with my Gaza's sister, I realised how I have been so ungrateful, and not updated with the current issue with what happens to my Muslim brothers and sisters in all over the world, whether in Palestine, Syria, Yemen, and the list may go on. I hope that one day everyone would realise that, and unite to help our brothers and sisters. We should also be grateful as we are leaving in a peaceful and harmony country called Malaysia, and it is our responsibility to protect our country in whatever cases. Last, but not least, huhu....I should learn and improve my Arabic language courageously, as I'm an Islamic Studies' student, which most of my courses are in Arabic, therefore to be proficiency in Arabic speaking is a must. However, even if you are not an Islamic Studies' students you should learn Arabic, because as a Muslim we pray in Arabic, we worship to Allah in Arabic, we recite the Quran in Arabic,  so nevertheless we should learn Arabic so we could have a better understanding in what we recite, and to feel more close to Allah as we could be more khusyu' in salah (prayer).

I think that's all for now, see you again Insya Allah. Hope every one of us benefits from this entry.
May Allah bless and ease our brothers and sisters in Gaza, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Rohingya, and whenever they are.

May Allah bless all of us.
Sorry for any bad from me.
Thank you for reading.
Any comments or feedback are highly appreciated.

notes: This conversation I had, when I was a first-year student for my degree, as I have kept it long enough. now I'm in my second year of my degree. Insya Allah two more years to go. May Allah ease everything. Amin.

1:18 am


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